Humanitarian | NGO | Advocacy
Eurodad (EN > FR)
CCFD: Spotlights on European and French Funding in Tunisia. Migration Cooperation at the Cost of Human Rights? (FR > EN)
Alima (FR > EN)
3 Questions for Dr. Pierre Claver Nsavyimana, ALIMA Project Coordinator in Brakna, Mauritania
“Light Mothers” Leading the Fight Against Child Malnutrition in Bamako’s Displacement Camps
Video Report: Traditional Birth Attendants Saving Lives With a Mobile App
Women in Cameroon Travel Miles to Secure Healthcare Access for Their Communities
“You have the power to end the need for humanitarians” (Africa CEO Forum)
Nightline: Volunteer Annexe - internal (FR > EN)
Eurodad: Une crise mondiale de la dette sans précédent (EN > FR)
Global Citizen: Power Our Planet: Live in Paris campaign (EN > FR)
Action Against Hunger: Local Partnership Policy 2023 & Summary (EN > FR)
CCFD - Terre Solidaire
Inflation: When Speculators Profit From the Food Crisis (FR > EN)
European Union-Senegal Status Agreement / Recommendations on the European Parliament's Own-Initiative Report (FR > EN)
Global Citizen:
Global Citizen NOW & Global Citizen Price 2022 (EN > FR)
Global Citizen Live 2022 campaign (EN > FR)
Action Against Hunger:
Action Contre la Faim: Impact de la COVID-19 sur la faim : quand une pandémie en cache une autre (EN >FR translation and English proofreading)
Global Citizen: Global Citizen Live 2021 campaign (EN > FR)
Coordination Sud - SOL: West Africa: Networks Mobilised to Defend Agroecology (FR > EN)
CCFD - Terre Solidaire: Carbon Offsetting: Anything but Neutral! (FR > EN)
Grain de Sel: De nouveaux modèles de gouvernance pour le conseil agricole ? (EN > FR)
Grain de Sel: Conflits politiques ou politisation des conflits liés au pastoralisme ? (EN > FR)
Inter-réseaux Développement rural: Pastoral livestock farming in Sahel and West Africa (FR > EN)
Communication | Marketing
Greenly (2024 - Present)
French startup - Carbon management
English > French & French > English (only FR>EN since 2025)
Corporate slides, white papers, marketing content, blog articles, newsletters, etc.
Monday Merch (2023 - Present)
Dutch merch company
English > French
Website translation, blog articles, Google Ads
SPOTL (2023)
French subtitling company
French pre- and post-editing
Video subtitling - all types of content
Underknown (2022 - Present)
Canadian video producer
English > French
Script translation for YouTube channels: What If Français - Et Si | Ton Corps à l'Épreuve | Comment Survivre (only Et Si channel since 2024)
WoodWatch (2022 - Present)
Dutch watch company
English > French
Ongoing content translation: website, products, campaigns, marketing
Hipli (2022)
French packaging company
French > English
Website translation
2021 - 2024
French Reusable Container Brand
French > English
Product, campaign, press, BtoB, website, blog, social media content translation
2019 - 2021
Comme Avant
French Cosmetic Brand
French > English
Product, campaign, press, BtoB, website, blog, social media content translation
Welcome to the Jungle: 6 steps to help you with your roadmapping process (FR > EN)
Welcome to the Jungle: Dealing with idempotence in Elixir projects with the Ecto sandbox (FR > EN)
Scooter rental agreement
French > English
Tourism & holiday rental website
French > English
Art magazine
French > English
My Beautiful Black Hair: 101 Natural Hair Stories from the Sisterhood - St. Clair Detrick-Jules
Social Issue Book (to be published)
English > French